The plan Apple and Google made for a contact tracing API is underway. Today, we recap the story so far, assess the public’s appetite for the technology, and talk about what you can do besides wait to go outside.
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Apple and Google have a plan for contact tracing, while Germany and France have another plan. What’s the difference? Senior security engineer and data analyst George Starcher joins us to talk it over. Plus, a text message you simply MUST ignore. Thanks for joining us on this week’s Checklist by SecureMac.
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This week, Ken looks at the Apple/Google team-up on contact tracing, Apple’s use of Maps data to fight the spread of COVID-19, and a story about brand phishing that’s not coronavirus related. Mostly.
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This week, August and Ken talk COVID-19 stimulus scams, a bunch of apps going live with Sign-In with Apple, and the never ending (and pretend) debate over automatic updates.
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This week, we’ll look at some of Apple’s recent OS updates with an emphasis on the security fixes included. Plus a look at why you should (or should not) set your devices for automatic updates.
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